New work and new tearsheet section up on the website
From the archives.
Wedding photography- Pudong style. Shanghai 2008.
Not used to being part of a professional groups but was a bit chuffed to qualify for membership of the BIPP (British Institue of Professional photography).
Ladies in waiting.
Messed up film…rebranded as ‘purposefully double exposed’
a hand full of iron…
Wedding legs; feel the grain.
Yashica T3 compact camera and 1600 Ilford delta.
Brooklyn Rain
Canon -AI Program
Finally finished all post-prod work from 2014 so can really begin 2015.
Last year was a fun year, met some lovely people and did some interesting shoots- from shooting on a boat in the middle of the night to the making small talk with politicians.
To kick off the Tumblr year here’s my favourite shot from last year, taken on my favourite trip of the year too- NY in May.
From the archives…young fashion designer Antwerp.
up high.
Yashica Electro
Upcoming exhibition - Losing myself
The opening of my upcoming exhibition 'Losing myself' will be held on the 3rd of December at the Inbetween gallery in Brussels. The exhibition is collaboration with the NGO Missing Children Europe. I shot a series of images based on a true story of a missing unaccompanied boy from Afghanistan. Afterwards I mentored a young man, also from Afghanistan, and we worked together also using the Mamiya to shoot scenes from his life. The two 'stories' will be presented at the gallery.
Been a busy month for editorial photography. Happy to see the smiley Antwerp florist I shot ended up on the front of this month’s Monocle magazine.