Great filmmaking in action - The Underwater Realm

Another catch up from last year but I wanted to write about how it's really great to see talented and dedicated filmmakers doing something brilliant, especially in this current climate. 

A friend of mine, the excellent actor,

Jon Campling

(of Harry Potter fame) did some filming last year with Realm Pictures on their project called

The Underwater Realm. 

The project is hugely ambitious with the team making a series of 5 short films which are set underwater and span different periods of time, from modern day to medieval Britain and which focus on the times in history when a race living beneath the sea meet human beings.

These guys have come up with some really amazing and innovative ways to film in challenging situations and on a tight budget. 

They had a Kickstarter campaign last year, which I donated to, that was a huge success. Apart from the shear talent and enthusiasm that came across in spades, I'm sure part of the success of the campaign was how they got their investors involved. There were a huge range of rewards and lot appealed to anyone interested in knowing more about techniques that go into independent film making. 

In my photography I'm using more and more continuous light rather than strobe and was intrigued by the very cool looking LED industry, soft lights, similar to Kino Flos that they had invented themselves- that are even water proof! I couldn't resist when they were offering it as one of the rewards. I'm looking forward to creating them- anyone in Brussels good at DIY let me know!

Also for wannabe DOPs like myself check out the excellent

DSLR lighting techniques

from The Underwater Realm's DOP - Eve Hazelton (

It's too late to donate to the Kickstarter campaign but you can follow their progress on

The Underwater Realm website.